Utrecht Theoretical Linguistics


Romance Linguistics Circle (RoLinC)

The Romance Linguistics Circle (RoLinC) is organized by the Universities of Cambridge and Newcastle. It meets every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm (CET). The program is available on this website .

The meetings are held during the Cambridge term time, and the events are designed to encourage scientific and academic debate within Romance linguistics.

Attendance is free but you need to register for the link.

This is the program for the 2nd semester 22-23

Date Speaker Title
18th Jan Diego Pescarini (Université Côte d’Azur and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) Microvariation and statistical hypothesis testing: negation and negative concord in northern Italo-Romance
25th Jan Virginia Hill (University of New Brunswick) AUX cliticisation and loss of SVO in Romanian
1st Feb Luigi Rizzi (Collège de France and University of Siena) Elements of the cartography of topic and focus, with special reference to Romance
8th Feb Javier Ormazabal Zamakona (University of the Basque Country) All that glitters is not syntaX: agreement and the notion of default value
15th Feb Michele Loporcaro (University of Zurich) TBC
22nd Feb Ian MacKenzie (University of Newcastle) True versus accidental V2 in Old Spanish
1st March Richard Kayne (New York University) TBC
8th March Ana Lúcia Santos (University of Lisbon) Control and inflected infinitives
15th March Heloisa Salles & Maria Aparecida Torres Morais (University of Brasilia) The survival of the dative “me” in the (almost ) lost battle of Brazilian Portuguese clitics.
22nd March John Charles Smith (Oxford University) Defining Romance periphrases: paradigms and grammaticalization
29th March Christina Tortora (City University of New York) Vernacular orthography and syntactic structure